Welcome to my webpage!

My pronouns are she/her.  Here is how to pronounce my name: audio 

I earned my doctorate in computational mathematics from the University of North Carolina Greensboro under the supervision of Dan Yasaki. I am now a Postdoc Fellow at Tulane University working with Olivia Beckwith 

My broad research interest is in computational number theory. My thesis is on the computational aspects of Bianchi modular forms. You can read more about my research here. My upcoming talks are listed here.  

Apart from doing math, I love spending my time outdoors. Backpacking and Hiking are my go-to leisurely activities. I also love reading, especially dystopian and sci-fi novels.  

I also love hanging out with folks from the AWM. This is the website of our student chapter AWM UNCG Student Chapter Website

Email: kalani027 at gmail dot com

Linkedin: kalani-thalagoda